
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Surviving" the Holidays! (alternate title-that glass of egg nog is half full!)

Yes, I know what you're thinking,  "Well, that's a fine attitude to have during the season of miracles!" And, yes, I know that the holidays are supposed to be a wonderful, magical time. In fact, they ARE wonderful and magical, especially once they are behind us. However, when in the midst of the magic, sometimes it can be hard to see how wonderful it all really is (probably because it's buried in a mountain of wrapping paper and blurred by that jug of wine.) So, I am taking this moment to do what my, fantastic, therapist calls "re-framing" and looking at things from a slightly different point of view.

- A whiney (vocal), alternately pouting (expressive) and shouting (tenacious) 11 year old is re-framed will, one day, be a politician, championing the rights of the downtrodden.

- A 13 year old that sleeps 12 hours (building brain cells) and, when not slapping his 11 year old brother (building eye-hand coordination), eats his weight in food on the hour (keeping Wegman's in business) will, one day, be the brains behind the "smart bomb" that makes everyone in the world want to live in harmony without destroying a single life.

OK, so it's possible that I'm stretching a bit with those two, but you get the general idea. Sometimes being a glass-half-full type of person is a challenge. I once had a teacher tell me, "Becky, you could find something nice to say about Charles Manson." During a dark time of my life, this would not have been true, but these days, it probably is.

And, I'm ok with that..... because looking at life with a positive attitude makes it a lot easier to navigate those tricky days when life challenges me.

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