
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Blowin' Up the Twittersphere!

My last post was kind of depressing and, definitely, defeatist. After a few days of wallowing, we are back on the "you can do it" bandwagon!

I joined twitter and am sending out as many tweets as I can, to as many people as I can, asking for $5 donations. Essentially, my thinking is that a whole bunch of $5 donations will add up to enough to make it happen for Zack. I am working on a new video for his fundraising website and hope to have it finished this afternoon. He is being such a good sport about conducting the interviews, considering that he is very uncomfortable in front of the camera!

At any rate, check me out on Twitter (@RebeccaLaczkows) and you will get updates, when we get donations!

UPDATE: Zack's new video is done- please check it out!

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