
Monday, August 20, 2012

Do the Clothes Make the Man?

Some days, I think that I would be better off avoiding the newspaper and, in fact, most days, I do avoid it. When I do read our local paper, I stick to the "Life" sections with Dear Abby, and the comics. However, there are some days that I get sucked in and read every section. This was the case on Saturday of last week, when I encountered the following article that our paper picked up from the AP: Rich toddlers draw fashion designers' eyes
 Typically, I avoid talking politics/class warfare when with friends.... and strangers (who needs the fight?) However, my very good friend, J and I were discussing the proposed tax on the wealthy.  Her family would fall into that higher tax bracket, even though they do not have an opulent lifestyle and, most likely, are just over the magic line that would be drawn. Frankly, I can't pretend to understand the whole thing, but the bottom line is, the most people would pay more in taxes, including the wealthy (which seems to be defined as $250,000+ for dual income households.)There is more information here: MoneyCrashers and here: The percentage increase would be smaller than for those of lower incomes, which is what the hubbub is all about. Those with higher incomes want to keep the Tax plan that GWB put into place while in office.

I went through a whole number-crunching thing and decided that it was all too much, so let’s suffice it to say that when you make 7 figures a year, your tax bracket would go from 13% to 36%. The difference between paying 13% and 36% in taxes is enough to feed all of the families in my school, for a year. That is a lot of money taken from that earner’s pocket… until you consider the 63%-87% of income that those people are able to keep and spend on things like their child’s wardrobe.

So, this brings me back to that original headline, above. The story made my blood boil. The first woman spent $10,000 on her 3 year old child's wardrobe because the child is “reflection” of her and, therefore, needs to be well-dressed.  Why does this make me so angry? Of course, it is her money, and she can do with it as she chooses. But, really, is that the best way she can spend $10,000? Actually, I have just had an epiphany…. That child’s wardrobe IS a reflection of her…. And if it were me, I would be avoiding the mirror from now on. 

I don't know... maybe it's because I don't have the money, so it's all ethereal and mysterious, but it seems to me that asking the wealthy to give up one vacation (or vacation home) isn't too much to ask, for the betterment of all!

Please share my blog with your friends/family/enemies and tell them about our fundraising efforts.  Maybe one of them knows a 1% who has some extra green to burn, and would love to help sponsor the education of our young Einstein (who, by the way, wears $4 jackets from Good Will Industries

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Think Outside of the Box.... WAAAAY Outside!

A while ago, I wrote about labels and how easy it is to try to define people, make them fit into categories, helping us successfully interact with them. You can read that post here: Labels

As I have gone about trying to get donations from people- dyslexics and "normals"- I have discovered that dyslexic entrepreneurs are a very diverse group of accomplished citizens. Often, they are known for the entrepreneurial spirit, like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, Richard Branson or their scientific contributions: Alexander Graham Bell, Pierre Curie, Thomas Edison. There is even a subset of hotties (as I see it, anyway) although that is not their "accomplishment": Orlando Bloom, Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves, Keira Knightly, Vince Vaughn- the list goes on.

There have been numerous articles written about the correlation between entrepreneurship and dyslexia and often, the subjects credit the challenge of dyslexia as an asset. In fact, The Gow School treats it as such, and with good reason. Dyslexics are "think outside of the box" people. The unfortunate thing is that public schools are, largely, made of BOXES and thinking outside of the "norm" is discouraged. Such is the case with our public school. They want to encourage students to be creative thinkers and problem solvers. However, they don't want them to make waves, be "disruptive" and that thinking/problem solving, typically, needs to take place within the confines of their desk space. In the public school setting, dyslexia IS a disability.

Because Gow is a boarding school, we don't get to spend a lot of time with Zack. This summer has been such a gift, in that regard. We have been with him, daily, and watched how his brain works. He problem solves, he keeps trying and, eventually, he solves a problem. That tenacity is something that wasn't there a year ago. Prior to going to Gow, when he encountered difficulty, Zack would get frustrated, throw his hands up, claim stupidity and be done with it. Gow has given him the freedom and confidence to try things- even things WAY outside of the box.

People like Richard Branson (Richard, if you're reading this, we could REALLY use your help), Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, Bill Gates- they became great because someone in their lives allowed them to think outside of the box. Or perhaps, whatever the reason, boxes were more flexible in their worlds.

If you're curious about other well-known/accomplished dyslexics, click through the links below for some interesting reads. AND, if you discover that you know anyone or know someone who knows someone (the 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon principle) on that list, put in a good word for us, will ya? We are going to need help tearing apart those boxes so that Zack can be the next Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Henry Ford or Richard Branson. (Fortunately, he's already got the looks of those hotties above!)

Famous Dyslexics:

Please share our efforts with your friends. If we can make that six degree connection, it would help Zack build a bigger, better, more OPEN box!

Thank you to all who have read and shared and given. You are making a dream come true!! xoxoxo